President's Blog - January
Post date: Jan 21, 2015 3:04:41 PM
Have you attended a chapter meeting recently? We’ve had four great meetings since August (including Student Night) with a wide variety of topics, and more in the works. See the meeting page of our website at for the schedule of future meetings. Our next meeting on January 27, 2014 is our Annual Tax Update. You don’t have to be a “tax person” to get something out of this – you may learn something you need to know for your own tax return. Or your mother’s return, or your neighbor’s return, or your hairdresser’s return – all those people who think that because you’re an accountant, you must do taxes!
If you haven’t attended a meeting, you may not be putting enough value on the importance of face-to-face networking. Sure, you can join LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc. – all of those are extremely valuable tools to connect to others, however there is something about meeting someone in person, having a direct conversation, and starting to develop a relationship. All of those things can enhance an existing online connection. Those conversations that are started when you are talking directly to someone lead from one topic to another naturally, you recognize common ground, and you find out things you would never think to discuss in an electronic format. I know that I am much more likely to go out of my way to work with someone I have actually met, and imagine that most of you feel the same way. If you haven’t already, make your New Year’s resolution to start making those face to face connections.
Finally, I would like to extend a warm welcome to our newest members – Starr Frohlich and Tanya French. Please be sure to introduce yourself to them when you see them at a meeting.
My best wishes to you all for a happy and productive New Year!
Sue Christensen
Milwaukee Chapter AFWA