President's Entry - August
Post date: Aug 5, 2013 3:19:57 AM
Happy New Year! Well, new fiscal year anyway. July 1, 2013 marks the beginning of the first full year of our organization as the Accounting and Financial Women’s Alliance. Although women in finance have always been welcomed as members of the American Society of Women Accountants, we feel that the new name will broaden the appeal of our organization and increase its visibility.
In addition, our new tagline, “Connect • Advance • Lead”, symbolizes the opportunities available to members of the Accounting and Financial Women’s Alliance. Members benefit from opportunities to connect with colleagues, advance their careers, and become industry leaders. Becoming involved in the chapter provides opportunities to serve your profession while gaining valuable leadership skills.
Be sure to watch for the invitation to our first meeting of the year on August 27. The topic is “Stress Resilience” – who couldn’t use help with that?
I want to thank all of the members who have committed to positions or committees within the chapter this year, and encourage others who are interested to contact me for additional opportunities to be involved. I am looking forward to a successful and productive year!
Sue Christensen, Milwaukee AFWA President