2020-2021 Meeting and Topic Calendar
Dates and topics are subject to change
Tuesday, August 25 - Zoom Meetings, Tips & Tricks
Tuesday, September 22 - Google Docs/Sheets
Tuesday, October 27 - Managing Email Overload, Billie Anne Grigg
Tuesday, November 24 - TBA
Tuesday, January 26 - Income Tax Update
Tuesday, February 23 - TBA
No meeting in March
Tuesday, April 27 - TBA
Tuesday, May 25 - TBA
Tuesday, June 22 - TBA
Schedule for Monthly Virtual Meetings
Casual Open Conversation: 5:00
Networking & Introductions: 5:30
Program: 6:00
Business Meeting: 7:00
AFWA Milwaukee Chapter normally meets at the Radisson Hotel Milwaukee West. For now, we are meeting via Zoom. Join us for networking, dinner and CPE programs. Members and guests can RSVP online via the links above, through our monthly email announcement, or by contacting Reservations.
Virtual Meeting Fee: $5 AFWA member, $10 Non-AFWA Member
Regular Meeting Fee other than special events: $35 AFWA Member, $45 Non-member, $26 Retired Members, $16 Student Member.
Administrative Policies: If you would like to make or cancel a reservation, please contact Reservations by the registration deadline, generally the Thursday before the meeting. Per chapter rules, if you register and do not attend, you can be charged the meeting fee as listed above. For more information regarding administrative policies such as complaint and refund, contact the Chapter President.
Official National Registry Statement:
AFWA is registered with the National Association of State Board of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of Continuing Professional Education (CPE) on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State Boards of Accountancy have final authority in the acceptance of individual courses of CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of Sponsors through its website: